Flaw: a feature that mars the perfection of something; defect; fault: beauty without flaw…
( definition gladly borrowed from dictionary.com)
Our mission is to redefine the meaning of flaw. We want our readers to not look at their “flaws” as something they need to cover up or hide. Isn’t it funny that even dictionary.com’s first example of flaw is related to beauty? We started having a problem with society’s nature to immediately associate the word flaw with beauty. There is no “beauty without flaw” because everyone has flaws and we want to redefine this term from a negative to a positive.
We don’t want to fall into the rest of society’s idea of flaw and only associate it with beauty. A flaw could be anything someone thinks of as a negative aspect of themselves. But, who’s to say that what you've thought your flaw to be is really a flaw? We want to bridge the gap between acknowledging that you have flaws, but there are also things that you love about yourself and why think of anything as a flaw at all?
We also want to elaborate on “flaunt”. We have all encountered someone who has flaunted what they have, that we don’t, and used it as something against us. We are using flaunt as being proud of what you have for yourself and wanting to flaunt that for you, not to bring down others. We don’t want the petty competition of who looks better, has more, and gets the most attention…We want you to be proud of these things for yourself, not for the satisfaction of feeling better than the person next to you.
We aren't trying to sound like the same thing everyone has preached… what you have is enough and confidence being everything. Girls in particular are always being advised to do this like it is easy, but never told how. We are girls, we get it. We know it is not easy and sometimes it might take a little bit of make up to feel confident and that’s nothing to feel bad about! If anything, we want to hear about it.
From experience we have noticed that self inflicted flaws have been a main reason why we don’t form friendships with other girls. Either we judge them or we think they are judging us before we even speak a word. We started wondering how many amazing friendships we may have missed out on because we have let our flaws get in the way. Please stop pretending your above this and make a conscious effort to realize that it’s a problem and it is hard for us to acknowledge it, put our insecurities out there and see what we can create through Flaunt your Flaws.
We want Flaunt your Flaws to be a place that you can go where there’s an understanding that everyone has a common goal to not have your flaws be something to define you, hold you back, or be something that you use against yourself. We want to create a network where you can feel comfortable getting to know us, each other, and bond over the girl stuff girls love to bond over guilt- free.
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