Thursday, April 25, 2013

Final Exam Stress?

The end of the year is always so bittersweet...summer is so close you can almost taste it but there is just one little itty bitty thing in your way- Final Exam Week. I don't know about you but I am probably the most insane person in the world when it comes to exam week, I always feel like I never have enough hours in the day and therefore am stressing about everything every second of every day, it's a terrible feeling!! I would hate for anyone else to have this same constant-panic-24/7- feeling so I decided to share my secrets of surviving through finals week!

1) Make A To-Do List
        To-Do list are one of my favorite things because you can see everything you have to do all in one place. Sure, it they can be a little intimidating at times BUT there is no better feeling then checking something off your list :) It always is the best way to keep yourself organized

2) Take It One Assignment At A Time
        When your constantly thinking about everything you have to do all at once, you'll only make yourself more stressed! Only focus on one thing at a time, and don't stop focusing on it until its finished.   Getting things done a little at a time is way easier then trying to tackle everything all at once

        I know you probably feel like you couldn't possibly spare a single moment to do anything but study but trust me, you can. And you should. Don't let exams control you life or rob you of all your fun. Your brain needs a break sometimes so make sure you squeeze a little fun in there as well :)

4) DONT Use Studying As An Excuse To Eat Whatever You Want
       For some reason, studying and snacking go hand in hand. I don't understand why because neither of them have anything to do with the other! But there is something about having a huge test to study for that just fires up your appetite. Junk food probably sounds really good this really, really good but I can guarantee that if you resist those cravings and stick to healthy snacks you will feel much better! Your brain needs food for all the flashcards you have to memorize and unfortunately cheez-its do not help with memory....

        You are so close to the end, summer is coming, and you can do this!!

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