Thursday, April 25, 2013

"I Actually Believe in True Love...." -27 Dresses

Confession: I have a sick, slightly unhealthy obsession with weddings. I literally love everything about weddings, and while most people log onto youtube and search for funny videos of ridiculous people doing god knows what...I search for wedding and proposal videos. I have honestly spent hours watching videos of other people's wedding and cute proposals. It's actually difficult for me to find a video on youtube that I haven't seen yet (I wasn't kidding when I said I was obsessed)

Let's be honest, there is a part deep down inside of all of us that wants to be in a relationship. As much as we say we love the single life we all have nights where we just lay there thinking about how alone we are life and the thought that we are "never going to find true love" enters our mind at some point or another. Dating at this age is hard, and its hard not to get discouraged sometimes...whenever I get into these moods I type youtube into my search bar and just get lost in all the ridiculously cute videos people have of their weddings. You would think these would make me more discouraged, but nope just the opposite! Because they remind me that true love does exist out there...somewhere....

Okay enough of that. You all are beautiful and will find someone who sees that and you will live happily ever after! But don't get to caught up in that now because we are young and have plenty of time to find Mr. Right. BUT if you do ever get into one of those im-going-to-be-forever-alone moods- watch this video:

Worlds cutest wedding ever, ever, ever 

It is honestly the cutest wedding video I have ever come across and if it doesn't help you believe in true love then we need to have a serious intervention involving multiple Nicholas Sparks movies and LOTS of cheesy love songs...Enjoy :) 

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