Thursday, April 25, 2013

Boston Strong

Sooo as I'm sure you have probably heard some terrible things happened in Boston on Marathon Monday...and then some more terrible things happened a few days later. And basically it was just a very scary, emotional, and terrible few days for those of us who live in this beautiful city. It's hard to describe what it was like to those who weren't here in the city experiencing it. Just when we all thought it was over something else happened, and more people were getting injured or loosing their lives.

The point of this post is not to tell you all how horrifying it was being in the city during these fews days, I'm not gonna tell you that I was scared to walk down the street, or that I wanted to leave the city as soon as possible, I'm not even gonna mention the names of the people who committed these horrific crimes.

Here's what I am gonna say: Despite everything that happened, I never once felt like my life was in danger and I have never wanted to be in Boston more then I did when all of this was going on. Boston is an amazing city, and part of the reason it is so amazing is because of the people who live here. Everything thinks of people from Boston as the typical "Masshole", which maybe sometimes we are. But put us in a situation where we need to support each other and you will not find people more willing to go out of their way to help someone then the people of Boston. Also, the Boston Police Department and Boston Fire Department are the main reason this city got through this tragedy. There are no other people in the world I respect more then the men and women who were out in streets after Patriots Day making sure we all felt safe.

When people do things like this, they want to make people scared and want them to live in fear. Clearly these guys didn't know enough about Boston or else they would have realized that we love our city far too much to let ANYONE make us scared to be here. If someone came to Boston today, and had no knowledge of what happened- they would have no idea that this city was the victim of a terrorist attack a little over a week ago. It makes me so happy to walk through The Common and see just as many people out and about as there would be even if this didn't happen. Everyone is going about their lives and enjoying the spring weather just like we should be. We shouldn't be living in fear because that would mean these terrorist accomplished their goal. Hate to break it to you guys, but Boston is not the city to try and scare because we are bigger, stronger, and prouder then you and we know it.

As if you couldn't already tell- I love Boston a ridiculous amount and you should too! If I couldn't convince you, take a look at the following links and try and tell me Boston isn't the greatest city...

We Are Boston, We Are Strong <3

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